Saturday, October 20, 2007
Kukup Seafood Trip!
The "Forever Young" peeps went on a foodie excursion to Kukup, Malaysia today. Had some a fantastic time stuffing ourselves silly on seafood, playing fireworks like six year olds and peruing 6 Crabs (2 Chilli Crab, 2 Black Pepper & 2 Dried Curry thingy), 1 dish of tofu, 1 dish of fish, 2 dishes of veggies, 2 dishes of calamari (cooked differently) for nine people + 6 bottles of Heineken and each person paid M$37 ~ S$19, where on earth can you get this in Singapore?!? Shoik! Our adventures chronicled below....

Not a good start for some people. 4D anyone?

Sometimes it's quite difficult to do a self-potrait nowadays and thanks to the highly sensitive nature of my camera, guess who it focused on? I think my Nikon is bias...

Lovely blue skies over the Straits as we go over Tuas Link

On Malaysian rds with FJ's car right behind Emma


If you didn't know, would you think this looks like sub-urban Ozzieland or even USA perhaps?

On to Kukup we go!

The happy owner of Emma

Lovely seaview from our semi-kelong seafood restaurant

Neighbourhood Kelongs

Crazy neon lighting

Forever Young Team!

The starting of the feast!

A walk down sleepy Kukup town


my little corner of the world
Friday, October 05, 2007
How the Beijing 2008 Olympic Logo came about.
Coming from a design company, I cannot resist this...heh... now we all know the 'truth'...... =0p

my little corner of the world
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Name: Eugene
DOB: Ask if you want to send me pressies. Else you don't really need to know now, do you? =0p
Email: (MSN) You can try sending stuff, but it would probably end up in the junk mail folder.
Current Eugene's Blog
1998 Eugene's Pioneer Blog
Youth Impact
Text Twist Web Game
Cool Flying Game
Addicting Games
Restaurant Cooking Game
Hacking Game
Create your own South Park Character