Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Bangkok Shopping Spree!!
As you can tell, it HAS been a while that I've actually gone shopping for meself. Didn't know I was capable of this but wow, check out the spoils:

5 T-shirts ( 3 Bathing Ape & 2 Funky ones)
4 Shirts
5 'Silk' Ties
2 'Billabong' Bermudas Pants
1 'Adidas' Jacket
2 'Espirit' wallets
6 pairs of black socks
1 'Birkenstock' thongs
1 leather bag
Misc cleansing lotions + food stuff (not in pic)
I mean, seriously, can you get all this for $400 in Singapore????? Hotel + Airtickets for 3D2n was $265. Total damages: $665. A bit high but I think I just finished shopping for half a year or so, well, for the earth tones category anyway, ha!
I miss Bangkok already. Anyone going, let me know! =)
my little corner of the world
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Name: Eugene
DOB: Ask if you want to send me pressies. Else you don't really need to know now, do you? =0p
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