Saturday, April 28, 2007
What Kind of Coffee Are You?
You Are an Espresso |
 At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic
At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung
You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping
Your caffeine addiction level: high |
my little corner of the world
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Part 2
Sunday morning started pretty normal with service, but what happened after was not very pretty. Why? Because I was literally Glad-Wrapped to immobilize my movements and shortly after had my face smashed with cake from my all-so-loving Youths. I knew something was up when they started to crowd around me. It was like a prey to the predator kinda feeling. Will put up the photos of the aftermath when I get them. However, the good part of this was that I had another birthday cake to eat and more gifts! Got a short sleeve shirt from POA (People Of Asia) and a nice Espirit Tee, so that pretty much covers up my tops department. Now, will someone get pants for me? =0p Remember, my birthday is a one month long celebration, hee!
We did also have our CAC inter-church Captain Balls match as well today so that was pretty fun, especially when I was the referee. Trust me, there is nothing glamorous about being the referee, in fact, it is one of the toughest position to be. However, I had pretty much 'steeled' myself to it so was pretty immune from any life-threatening threats and the like (kidding!) during the 'rougher' times of the match. We were smashed silly in our junior team game but it was good effort that they did play pretty well for their level. Just simply outclassed by the AMK side who were just very good at what they do. Senior team was not too bad either, didn't win but they certainly did put up a heck of a fight. Proud of you guys, we may have lost the battle but the war is far from over. Keep up the spirit! =)
my little corner of the world
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Happy Birthday!
It's my birthday! Check out what my colleagues got for me...
Funky cool birthday card and RAOUL shirt!
Close up of the funky cool birthday card

My Excellently fab new shirt
Thanks guys! You made my day with the thoughts and gifts, much appreciated! And all these were on Friday, a day before my actual day. Had a lovely seafood dinner with the family at Longbeach in East Coast at night so that was very nice as well. More gifts and updates to come! =)
Labels: Birthday
my little corner of the world
Vital Stats
Name: Eugene
DOB: Ask if you want to send me pressies. Else you don't really need to know now, do you? =0p
Email: (MSN) You can try sending stuff, but it would probably end up in the junk mail folder.
Current Eugene's Blog
1998 Eugene's Pioneer Blog
Youth Impact
Text Twist Web Game
Cool Flying Game
Addicting Games
Restaurant Cooking Game
Hacking Game
Create your own South Park Character