Sunday, January 28, 2007
Church School Installation
Today is a rather special day, it was the installation of Church School Teachers where we are officially recognized by the entire church body as the official sunday school teachers. Awesome stuff here! I'm official! Hee! =)
Installation of Church School Teachers(The Church School teachers shall move forward towards the Cross)Dear friends, we have gathered here in the presence of God to recognise those who have responded to His call to the work of teaching and administration in our Church School. As they now present themselves to God for consecration of their various tasks, it is fitting that we, the members of this congregation, should with them consecrate our lives to the work with which they have been entrusted, and that we should publicly assume our obligation to support them with our loyalty and prayers, seeking with them and for them such measure of God’s grace as may enable them to discharge their duties with faithfulness and godly fear.
Pastor: With God’s help, will you diligently serve in the Church School and faithfully instruct the Word of God to your students so that they may grow in knowledge and wisdom?
People: I will, God being my helper.
“Father, I prayerfully commit myself to the task which you have entrusted to me – that of striving to bring my students into maturity in Christ Jesus, I accept, by your grace, the responsibility of teaching them your ways, and of acting as an example to them as Jesus was to His disciples. Help me to carry out the following tasks which I now undertake as a Church School teacher:
i) preparation of Church School lesson faithfully and well;
ii) prayer for my students’ growth;
iii) care for my own spiritual growth through regular prayer, Bible reading and worship in church in order that I may serve them better.
Jesus, you are the Vine and we are the branches. Without you, we can do nothing.
I therefore ask you to use me as I give myself to you and to my students, to the
glory of your name.” Amen.
THE CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS KNEEL AT THE COMMUNIONRAILS AND THE PASTOR SHALL PRAY“O God, who has sent your beloved Son to be unto us the Way, the Truth, and the Life: Give your blessings and guidance of your Holy Spirit to these your servants, and to us all, that we, looking unto Him, may set forward the teaching power of your church to the nurture of your children, the increase of your kingdom and the glory of your son Jesus Christ our Lord.” Amen.
The Charge and BlessingI charge you by the help of the Holy Spirit that you discharge God’s word reverently, and faithfully to your students. May the Lord bless and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen.
I can't wait to see what HE's got in store for me. Not my will but Yours be done.
my little corner of the world
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
A Bit Of Light Relief
One night a man - who was in no shape to drive - wisely left his car
parked and walked home.
As he was walking unsteadily along the road, he was stopped by a policeman.
"What are you doing out here at 2 A.M.?" said the officer.
"I'm going to a lecture." the man said.
"And just who is going to give a lecture at this hour?" the cop asked.
"My wife." said the man
Haha! =)
my little corner of the world
Monday, January 22, 2007
Nicoll Highway Runs 1
I've decided to start recording the runs I have been doing with Jerome as a way of keeping track of our timings. We did the usual running route of 3.8Km last week and I clocked 20:55. Tonight, I broke new ground of 20:15. It will be a challenge to see if I can make it for a below 20:00 timing next week. It's getting tougher and tougher but vast improvement have certainly been made since the first run of 23mins++. Jerome has been 'threatening' to surpass me.
We shall see. =)
my little corner of the world
Thursday, January 18, 2007
My Friend
This goes out to you my friend. It is amazing how God works that you were there when I got the greatest shock of my life. I guess it wasn't too much of a shock but perhaps more of re-opening a closed painful past once again when it was being healed. It felt like being ripped apart once more, but worse a second time, just like how when your physical wound starts to heal and it gets cut once more, deeper.
It has been 10 years that we have known each other you realize that? Time flies indeed. We have seen our fair share of relationships that have come and gone and here we stand, after all this time, a listening ear always ready to understand, a shoulder to cry on, and a loyalty and faithfulness a testament to our friendship that has grown continually. There was a reason that God placed you in my life and the encouragement that you've shown gives me inspiration to look forward for a new day, a new beginning in my life. This gift of friendship that has been given to us is certainly something that I will not trade for anything that this world has to offer and I'm sure you feel the same way too.
It has been 10 years since I wrote this and albeit a bit 'kiddish' in nature (I cringe a little reading it myself, heh!) I did mean what I said. So here's to you my friend, thank you for being there for me, for accepting me for all that I am, for the faults, weaknesses that I possess, and for always seeing the best of me despite all that happens. Love ya heaps!
Close FriendsDo you last remember the time where you had such a wonderful time talking with a friend? The weather was great, the atmosphere was right and things were going just fine. We met said "Hi!" and complimented on each other. We found a place and sat down to waffles and ice cream.
We talked about the present, we reminisced about the past and we dreamed about the future. Each scene was wonderfully inter-woven into the next and each one was fondly remembered. We laughed at each other’s jokes, we poked fun at each other’s experiences and we discussed at length issues that affected us. We went to your new house that awed me into utter dumbfoundedness. It was beautiful. Majestic. The Taj Mahal of the East. To me it was the perfect home I had only dreamt about. Fantasies unfulfilled.
Dinner was at a place you knew well. Both of us had been here together before a long time past. You ordered your favorite dish and I mine. The eatery hadn’t changed much and when I pointed out the same place we had sat years before, you looked at me and smiled. A smile that could launch a thousand ships. We finished our meal (with you leaving a bit "redder" than usual) and made our way to the nearest coffee joint. Ahh! Such bittersweet addiction. Sweet to the tastebuds and bitter in it’s aftertaste, so much it can be said of relationships too.
As I sent you home, the better part of the journey was spent talking about why and how it all happened. These were great memories that both of us cherished. To relive it all over again had us spending the rest of the night at your neighbourhood park. It was close to midnight when we finally reached your house once again. As much as I wished the night would not end, both of us knew that there would be another time where we would meet and talk. For now, let the memories remain to encourage us and to so often bring a smile to our faces.
my little corner of the world
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Drinking Milk causes Acne (Pimples)!
How could dairy cause acne you must be thinking??!? Dairy products are made from milk produced by lactating (yesss!!! Grosss isn't it???) and pregant cows exposes us to the hormones produced by the cows' pregnancy. These hormones are not designed to be consumed by humans. In nature, milk is consumed until weaning occurs. At this stage, the mother stops lactation before becoming pregnant again.
A certain Dr. CJ. Fisher conducted a clinical study of more than thousand teenagers and concluded to the American Dermatological Association that milk was a principal contributor to some patients' acne. He found that acne reduced when milk consumption went down. Dr. Fisher believes that the fat and sugar in milk causes acne. He also suspected that the hormones in milk (produced by pregnant cows) break down into androgen, which stimulates the production of sebum. Sebum is the waxy substance secreted by the skin glands that eventually clogs the skin pores and so creates them ugly pimples.
Geddit? =)
Just some interesting info to share....heh...
my little corner of the world