Thursday, December 21, 2006
Testing of Blogging Using Email to Blog
This entry today is using the Email to Blog system whereby you write a normal email and it gets sent to your blog instead. So, if you’re reading this, it WORKS! Woooohoo!!! =)
my little corner of the world
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Feeling like 16years old all over again
Why do I feel like a 16yr old suddenly? Getting all nervous, excited, stressed and butterflies in my stomach. I can't think, grey matter has gone all numb, auto-shutdown has been activated and I feel afraid as well. Yet, in the midst of this sea of confusion, there is a sense of hope... and perhaps even a future.
I don't know what's happening. I can only pray.
Thank YOU for being there. I love You so much. =)
I trust only in YOU.
my little corner of the world
Monday, December 18, 2006
Irish Priest Joke
An Irish priest is driving down to New York and gets stopped for speeding in Connecticut. The state trooper smells alcohol on the priest's breath and then sees an empty wine bottle on the floor of the car.
He says, "Sir, have you been drinking?"
"Just water," says the priest.
The trooper says, "Then why do I smell wine?"
The priest looks at the bottle and says, "Good Lord! He's done it again!"
If you didn't get this joke, read John 2:1-11. =) Have a blessed week ahead!
my little corner of the world
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
"Cent per cent pure powder coffee.
Give you lucidity and a feeling of confidence in your existence. The product was processed with completely new formula consisting of special added substance and carefully selected coffee from the best one in Ban Mo Thuot Twon, Daklak Province. "
my little corner of the world
Monday, December 11, 2006
It's back...
It's back. And it overwhelmed me. I thought I knew, I thought it was going to be what I thought it would be, I thought I had prepared for it, I had worked it out a million times in my mind.
It didn't happen. The heavens opened wide.
I trust only in You.
my little corner of the world
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
2 Weddings, 1 Standard Chartered Run and a Youth Camp in 5 Days way before X'mas
As you can guess, it has been a REALLY LONG & TIRING weekend and weekday for me thus far. Had two weddings to attend last Saturday, one at 10am and another at 1pm. Thank God for the fact that the two weddings were held in TTC and BPMC that were just a walk down the road. Talking about divine planning! Hahaha! Congrats Casper & Esther and Kok Soon & Carene!!! May God bless you all richly in your marriage to each other! Love you all every much! I didn't manage to bring my camera along so no pics to post up this time round. TTC was absolutely lovely though! White, Clean, Glass like and all, perfect for weddings. That's an idea for you! Must check out how much it cost, heh! This was followed by a final camp meeting at TA2 to round out final final logistics stuff before heading home meaning I was out from 9am - 8pm the whole about tiring... =0p
Woke up the following day at 0530hrs and took a cab to Padang for my Standard Chartered 10km run. Talk about a buzzing atmosphere at 6am in the morning, it was amazing! I'm so inspired by the Africans who took part in the marathons, they are unbelivable! Running 42km in 2hrs 15mins is just super human effort I must say! I have not seen someone run so fast before in my life but they are simply made to run. I mean, if you live in the outback with lions, cheetahs and all nasty forms of carnivores, I'm quite sure you would be running like Flash Thompson himself, which is precisely what they did. These people did 15km in 47mins++, I did my 10km in just under an hour. They are almost not human. =0p
I am happy with my run , this being my first marathon I was targeting a below 1 hr timing for myself for 10km and I am proud to say that I have achieved this although my legs did feel like jelly and ache like mad after that. We started at the bridge leading towards Fullerton, ran past it and made a left turn heading downwards towards Marina South which was where the half point 5km mark was. I made it there in 26mins although I felt it would have been much faster if it hadn't been a 'memorable' experience that I am about to share. For readers that are not used to queasy material, I suggest you skip the next few para, else it's going to be quite gross if I might say. =0p
The truth was that I had a 'raging' stomach ache. When I say 'raging', it basically means that I had to go, and had to go pretty badly. After getting past the 5km mark, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the nearest toilet. It was a single portable type that had 10 people queing outside. No go. Ran to the next one a few hundred meteres down but was locked. By this time, I was quite desperate and my stomach was absolutely killing me. Ran down another few hundred meteres and I assure you, I have never run so fast before after 5km of running and managed to find another porta-loo that had 4 peeps waiting outside. I thought I was going to 'explode' by the time it came to my turn and I tell you, I have never seen such a 'orrible inside of a porta-loo before in my lifetime but you know, when you have to LS, you HAVE to LS. And so, I wasted 15mins of my precious time, LS-ing away and letting those precious minutes tick by. When I was done, I ran for dear life back to the finishing line so while officially my timing is going to be ard 1hr 7mins officially on paper, I know that it was most definately below my 1hrs goal that I had set.

Here's a little pic that was me just about to complete my race. Albeit a bit ugly but hey, reason to cheer ey? In case you don't know, I'm the one in black grimicing away. =0)
Checked in our Youth Camp shortly in the afternoon at 1pm and these past 4 days and 3 nites have been just awesome! The Youths had the energy and zest of Energizer Bunnies I tell you, just couldn't keep up. We had so much fun together in our programs and I can tell that the Word was being planted slowly and surely in their lives. You guys are amazing! We took them Dragonboating on Monday and I don't think I have heard them scream so much before. I almost lost my voice then. Ps Yeo was a fantastic preacher and it was just a blessing to have her around to share with us on our theme of 'By Faith, Run Your Race'. She also shared on Team Hoyts during one of her sessions! Had to control those tears from dripping out when I watched it again, it is always a tearjerker for me and for anyone who has done at least a marathon to understand the extent of a father's love to do that in an Ironman's race. =)
Pics to share for camp...

Our very own TACMC YI Project Run(a)way!

Mass Games

L to R: Kenneth 'Darth Vader' Koh, Timmy 'Yoda' Chan & Daniel 'Obi-Wan' Ong

Group Piccy!

Youths in prayer

My lovely group, the Abrahams!

The "Forever Young aka Lao Lao's" group! You guys are fantastic!
Thanks Marlin for sharing the pics! More pictures can be found at
Would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to all the helpers, parents and all who have in their own special ways helped out for this camp. Thank you for your prayers, your time, your efforts for us and to my dear camp committee, it has been an honor and a privilege to serve together with you on this. I hope that I had been up to the task of advising all of you and to guide you along the entire planning & execution of the camp. God has certainly taught us many lessons during this time and it is my prayer and you all remain close to him always as you run your race by faith. Love you all heaps!
my little corner of the world