Friday, July 23, 2004

That's a really HUNGRY baby... lesson learnt, all breasts look the same to a baby. 2nd lesson learnt, never expose your breast when near a baby. Hahahaha!
my little corner of the world
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

"I am but a sheep, please lead me and guide me along my way; lest I get lost among the woods, be eaten by the big bad wolf, or fall into harm's way."
my little corner of the world
Monday, July 19, 2004
Please leave comments and tag board
And yes, do leave a note if you've dropped by so I know whose been here and how popular I am nowadays.
Heh... =0p
my little corner of the world
On Top Of Spaghetti!!
Oh yes! This song is so ticklish!!! I couldn't help laughing like crazy ever since I heard it! It goes like this:
On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, and onto the floor,
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.
It rolled down the garden, and under a bush,
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush!
The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be,
And then the next summer it grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered, all covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs, all covered with sauce.
So if you have spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
Hold onto your meatball, 'cause someone might sneeze.
AHAHAHAHHA!!! Funneee!! Well, actually, the real reason behind it was that it was made to make sure that little kids wouldn't sneeze with their mouths wide open (cover your mouth when you sneeze) lest something worst happens than losing your meatballs! can trick kids into believing anything you know? *evil thought*
And yes, if you want to hear the midi music to sing along, the link is at: But you need to have Quicktime installed on your PC first though, just to let you know.
Well, it's 1950hrs and I'm still at work. In fact, I've actually ordered food for dinner already since the company pays for the OT dinner and cabfare back. Late, late... hmmm...maybe I should always just stay back for dinner everyday just for the heck of it since it's free. Could save an awful amount of grocery money back home now that we have another mouth to feed. And yes, to the uninformed, I would like to publicily announce the arrival of my 2nd nephew, Master Zachary Wong! Born 8th July 2004, and on the same day as his brother, no less! How cool is that! My sister and bro-in-law have IMPECCABLE timing I must say. Future Bdae celebrations: 1 Cake and 1 Present (i.e. Playstation 2 = got two controller rites? So both of them got present each! It works well I say! Heh....) =0p So yes, let's see....that's me, mum, sis, bro-in-law, maid, B1 & B2. (Baby 1 & 2...duh!) Lot's of mouths to feed indeed. Yes, yes...must save money now.
Okie, going back to work now. Blog later.
my little corner of the world
It works!!
Hey! The post works!! Hahahaha! Obviously you can tell I am a swakoo blooger here...heh...anyway, let me declare today, Monday 19/07/04, the official opening of my blog!
Let the blogging begin!!
(After I finish my work that is...heh...)
my little corner of the world
Friday, July 16, 2004
Hello everyone!! This is the very first entry in my first blog! Testing testing!!!
my little corner of the world